This article opened some really interesting ideas for me around the way we INvite and HOST gatherings and events within the arts and beyond. It re_imagines how we can invite people to gather and through this gathering experience diverse ways of being simply by being in this space together. It invites us to build greater spaces that enable stronger relationships to difference by experiencing the joy of being IN these social relationships.

"Relaxed performances matter to many people living with difference, including those who do and do not identify with the label of “disability.” Beginning in the United Kingdom in the 1990s, relaxed performance emerged out of autistic communities, as a way to reimagine spaces with sensory sensitivities in mind. Soon, theatre professionals saw the advantages of relaxing performances for many groups. A full 20 per cent of theatres in the UK now offer relaxed performances."

Access and read the full article HERE

Reflection by : Leisa Shelton



Photograph: Grim Photography, Erin Ball, LEGacy Circus